After years of putting it off, overthinking it, and changing my mind 386 times …

I’m writing a *non-snoozy* business book.

Want to come behind the scenes as I attempt to get this book written and self-published – all while running my copywriting biz, being mom & wife, and *hopefully* still having a life?

Join the waitlist for a peek into my journey and early access to the book.

Nicole Kepic_speaking

So, what’s this book about?

This book (title TBD) will be a fun, lighthearted, and insightful take on female entrepreneurship – written by an introvert, for introverts.

While I’ll cover topics like marketing, visibility, and (of course!) copywriting, this won’t be a rigid or boring “how-to” book. Instead, it will be more of a personal take on what’s worked for me – and what hasn’t – as an introvert in the online space.

The goal: to prove that you can run a joyful, profitable, and in-demand business without needing to be the loudest person on the internet.

What if you’re an extrovert?

I love extroverts! Feel free to still join the waitlist, because much of what I’ll write about in this book (i.e. being the CEO of your business, establishing healthy client boundaries, etc.) will apply to you, too!

When is this book launching?

I wish I knew (*insert joking-but-NOT-joking face*).

I’m shooting for the end of 2024, but please don’t hold me to that. While I *technically* have a writing schedule, sticking to it is a whole other thing … especially when I spend most of my days writing for clients.

That said, I’ll share the whole process with you and you’ll be the FIRST to know when it’s ready!

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How will you benefit from being on the waitlist?

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If you’re a super nosy (I mean, curious) person, this will make for some fun, light reading. I’ll send you 1 email per week sharing my progress, insights, hair-pulling moments, book teasers, and more.

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You might be inspired to write your own non-fiction book. Either that, or you’ll be totally turned off by the process and thank me for changing your mind!

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You’ll get immediate access to 3 non-salesy sales email templates that you can send to your list any time. Simply plug in your business details, and go!

bonus (6)

You’ll get first dibs on buying my book (NO PRESSURE), as well as a special bonus if you’re an early-bird purchaser.

How will you benefit from being on the waitlist?

inbox love icon (1)

If you’re a super nosy (I mean, curious) person, this will make for some fun, light reading. I’ll send you 1 email per week sharing my progress, insights, hair-pulling moments, and more.

book icon (1)

You might be inspired to write your own non-fiction book. Either that, or you’ll be totally turned off by the gruelling process and thank me for changing your mind!

templates (1)

You’ll get immediate access to 3 non-salesy sales email templates that you can send to your list any time. Simply plug in your business details, and go!

bonus (6)

You’ll get first dibs on buying my book if you want to (NO PRESSURE), as well as a special bonus if you’re an early-bird purchaser.

A blush colored mug sitting on top of a stack of books beside a blush coloured vase - How to Write Sleaze-Free Sales Page Copy

What street cred do I have to write a book?

I’ve been a professional copywriter for over 20 years, with much of my 9 to 5 career spent in marketing and advertising. These days, I’m the Owner & CEO of Nicole Kepic Copywriting, where I write fun, feel-good sales copy for female entrepreneurs.

But make no mistake … Writing sales pages, email sequences, and web copy is NOT the same as writing a book. But all is good, and this will be an adventure!

So, it’s official:

If you add your name to the waitlist, I’m officially DOING this! (*EEK*)